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Essex Chambers Statement on Lower Thames Crossing

Iain McNab, Head of Policy at Essex Chambers of Commerce, reacts to the announcement that the Development Consent Order for the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) project has been approved.

“Essex Chambers of Commerce and the overwhelming majority of its membership has long recognised the need for a Lower Thames Crossing.

“We therefore warmly welcome the announcement that the Development Consent Order (DCO), which allows the project to proceed, has been approved by the Planning Inspectorate.

“Whilst this is a critical milestone, a funding package is still to be assembled, but the planning decision will be a significant boost to business confidence – both for businesses looking to invest in this part of the South East and for those institutional investors who may be attracted to invest private finance into the construction of the crossing. So it is great news and a fillip in particular for south Essex, including Tilbury and London Gateway ports and the Thames Freeport’s ambition to deliver growth and many thousands of jobs.

“The decision will open up new opportunities for business and for residents seeking to raise their skill levels and gain employment, especially in the construction sector.

“We at Essex Chambers will continue to work with business, local authorities and others to ensure the crossing delivers short and longer term benefits for the people and businesses of Essex.”

You can read more on the Planning Inspectorate’s decision here.

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