Local skills & funding updates from around the county
Essex Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) progress update

The collaborative work that is taking place across the county is accelerating at pace. Essex County Council, FEDEC (Federations of Essex Colleges) and EPN (Essex Provider Network are working together to ensure we support each other to achieve the priorities within the plan.

Our employer engagement continues to strengthen. We have hosted roundtables and MP roundtable events and partnered with ECC Ambitious Essex to bring together sector-based employers. We are in the process of refreshing our board to ensure we remain current and reflective of the sectors within our priorities. More employers are engaged and eager to support the changes required within their sector.

We updated colleagues at the LSIP Essex Skills Board of this and the programme of projects which are delivering against the outcomes set out in the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) proposal. This includes a Green Skills Hub in North East Essex, immersive classroom space and support to newly qualified teachers. You can view the progress report, action plan and data on the LSIP pages. Detailed discussions are ongoing with Employers via our Sector Groups and forums like the Construction Alliance. Suggestions are fed back to the Board and LA colleagues as apt.

Aspirational Essex, a new accreditation scheme for employers, was launched at the Festival of Business in November by Essex County Council. This accreditation will support employers and training providers to upskill their workforce whilst opening new career pathways for residents. It is open to employers of any size and in any sector. 

LSIP and Essex County Council continue to work closely to align LSIP work with skills, employment and business delivery across Greater Essex. 

There is good progress against the development of the Essex version of the Employer Guide which we have permission to edit and localise. This will include case studies of local employers involved in the skills system such as Enterprise Advisers, Governors and those offering apprenticeships. It also includes links to key information locally. The guide is nearly completed and will be published by December, pending sign off by Gatsby and SDN. 

Work is also underway with Essex colleges around essential/soft skills, to respond to the LSIP priority on this and action around exploring a framework. Initial work will include mapping the approach undertaken in colleges currently and any tools being utilised as well as exploring potential tools to support and related work such as ECC's New accreditation scheme for Essex businesses. This will help to inform a more joined up approach and with the aim that students can showcase their soft / essential skills in a recognised way.

Roundtables and Sector Groups with Employers are taking place regularly, with Sector Groups held quarterly. They are productive discussions with Employers, Providers and LA’s and highlight gaps in the system and skills shortages, which are addressed either via established projects (if that is possible) or new ones created. We are aware of the complexities and need to avoid further duplication. Recommendations which cannot be addressed locally are discussed with the Essex Skills Board, chaired by the ERB and attended by Essex County Council, so we provide effective updates. Progress updates are provided to Employers via a bi-monthly Newsletter.

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