Local skills & funding updates from around the county
Annual Report

We are very pleased to say that progress against the Essex Local Skills Improvement Programme (LSIP) action plan is well underway. A comprehensive Progress Report is scheduled for publication in June, which will outline the various initiatives currently in motion and those under development.

Key highlights include:

  • LSIP Employment and Skills Board (ESB): The ESB is now fully established and will convene again on July 2, 2024. This board plays a crucial role in shaping our local skills agenda.
  • LSIP Webpages: The newly launched LSIP webpages have received positive feedback and are continually updated with fresh information. I encourage you to explore these resources for the latest updates on LSIP activities.
  • Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) Projects: Our LSIF projects are making steady progress. These initiatives aim to enhance skills development and address local workforce needs.
  • Employer and Apprenticeship Toolkits: We are actively working on creating toolkits to support employers and apprentices. These resources will provide practical guidance and best practices.
  • Sector Groups and Reviews: We are advancing sector-specific groups, and relevant dates will be communicated soon. Additionally, the outcomes of Sector Reviews will be incorporated into the LSIP webpages.

Thank you for your continued support as we strive to strengthen skills, foster economic growth, and improve opportunities for our community. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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